How we work at Lazarus Training
Lazarus Training is a UK based company providing safety training, we feel it is important that you know how we work at Lazarus Training, so here is some more information on how we conduct ourselves.
Whilst our name has religious connections, we welcome people of all faiths [or none] to our training. The way that we work at Lazarus Training is to be committed to the principle of equality of opportunity and eliminating discrimination. We reflect this in all our day to day activities including recruitment, procedures and work.
Lazarus Training [and its representatives] will treat all people equally, irrespective of race, ethic origin, sex, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, creed, disability, age or political belief and will not tolerate any discrimination whether direct or indirect.
The above is not an exhaustive list but should be seen as illustrative. All at Lazarus Training should treat individuals openly, fairly and with respect and shall challenge any behaviour that is unacceptable with regards the above,
Through all aspects of our work at Lazarus Training we are committed to protecting the community in which we exist and work. We believe this is a global community.
- It is Lazarus policy to provide goods and services that cause as little damage as possible to the environment and do not adversely affect the health and safety of personnel inside or outside its sites or activities.
- Lazarus will also apply the above when selecting goods, services, plant and equipment. Lazarus will aim to use “environmentally friendly” products.
- Lazarus will comply with all the relevant environmental legislation and approved codes of practice in force, co-operating fully with the appropriate regulatory authorities.
- Lazarus will keep its plant and equipment maintained as efficiently as possible.
- Lazarus will aim to minimise the levels of waste produced. By measures such as:
- Using electronic mail etc
- Using public transport were possible
- Switching off equipment when not in use
- Re-cycling materials
- Selecting more energy efficient equipment
- Lazarus will foster an understanding of the environmental issues arising from its business activities among its employees, suppliers, contractors, customers and the local community. This policy statement will be issued to all employees and an environmental perspective will be incorporated into our training and our project management system to ensure all staff are aware of the environmental effects of their activities. Where possible, Lazarus will apply the provisions of this policy statement when dealing with consultants, suppliers and contractors.
- Lazarus will assess the environmental effects of its products and operations with the aim of controlling and reducing to a minimum any environmental impact they may have. Lazarus will also continually monitor and seek to improve its environmental performance and to reduce its water and energy consumption.

Lazarus Training Quality Assurance
Lazarus Training Ltd.’s quality assurance policy is independently audited to ISO 9001 standards, but is based on principles and values provided for in the Company Mission, strategy and goals. Quality Management System (QMS) creation is a major strategic direction of the business activities. The QMS is regarded as a useful tool for creation and management of effective business processes. The system formation will result in provision of services of consistently high quality, fully meeting customers’ expectations.
The company pursues the following goals in the field of quality assurance:
1. Strict compliance of the company’s services with international, national, and corporate standards and requirements.
2. Professional and technical level of the services must correspond to or exceed that of the leading enterprises and companies operating in the UK market. For the purposes of first aid training this is measured against the Health and Safety Executive’s requirements and those of the Faculty of Pre-hospital Care.
3. Responsibility to customers for the quality of the services rendered.
4. Cost efficiency of the services as compared with other companies operating in the market.
5. Development and implementation of new services that fully satisfy our customers’ needs.
6. Continuous monitoring of complaints and claims from customers, and aim to maintain these at zero. Any complaint will be handled in line with our specific complaints procedures as approved by the HSE.
7. Positioning of the company as employing professional staff as evidenced by qualifications, experience and observation. All to ensure Lazarus Training is providing services of high quality.
The strategy for achieving the goals is the following:
1. Focus on the process management model and continuous improvement of the company services (in accordance with the market requirements).
2. The QMS development, implementation, and maintenance in conformity with ISO 9001 international standards and industry standards.
3. Independent Certification of the QMS to ISO9001 with a UKAS Accredited Certification Body.
4. Satisfaction of customers’ requirements to all services. Fulfilment of the customers’ requirements within the shortest periods of time, ensuring highest quality. The services can be provided under Service Level Agreements (SLA).
5. Understanding of the customer needs, their present and future specific requirements.
6. Continuous cooperation with customers in order to understand their needs.
7. Transparency – customers obtain access to information on the quality of the services.
8. Priority of quality issues in “personnel – technology – organization” chain.
9. Strict quality assurance procedures at all stages of the services life cycle, well-defined personnel responsibility for quality assurance.
10. Primary focus on prevention of a possible decrease in quality rather than on measures to restore the quality level.
11. Consistent training of all personnel in the sphere of quality, each employee’s participation in services improvement, rewards for quality improvement and awareness of customers needs.
12. Continual improvement of the QMS and customer experience in general.
13. The Directors of Lazarus Training Ltd fully support the Quality Management System and have agreed specific measurable quality objectives.